Baptism is a declaration of your new relationship in Jesus Christ. It is a response to following Jesus and a first step of obedience, as well as a symbolic act representing your new relationship with God. It is also a time to celebrate as a church family! We welcome all who can make it to come celebrate this exciting and important event.
Jesus commanded it (Matthew 28:19-20). It is a significant milestone. Baptism is a point in your life when you make your walk with Jesus Christ public. It is a milestone to remember in your path to following God.
You identify with Christ’s burial and resurrection from the dead (Colossians 2:12). You declare your life as a new Christian. In the years following Jesus’ resurrection, the early church would baptize new believers in a river or lake. Before entering the water, the new believer would take their outer garment off. They would be baptized and then given a new outer garment when they came out of the water. This act was symbolic of the passing of the old live and the person being made new in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:7).
Being baptized by immersion simply means that you are totally immersed under water. Jesus was baptized by immersion (Matthew 3:16). Every baptism in the Bible was by immersion (Acts 8:38-39). The Greek word baptizo literally means to immerse.